Wednesday, April 14, 2004

It's been so long since I've last written. Does anyone even care? Do I? Last night I felt like I had a beautiful moment. I listened to this CD my mom got me for Christmas years ago but never opened. "Relaxing Sounds" of the beach, the forest, etc. I laid down, emotionally exhausted from the past few weeks of dating, lying, hating women, hating myself. I cried for a good half hour. It was the purest thing I've felt in a long time. Nothing's made me happy lately. The horrible weather hasn't helped, either. Work has been frustrating. Dating has been frustrating, albeit comical. No one gets me. No one. I may be a complete monster but I'm still human, dammit. So what if I made my last date list her ten favorite DVDs during dinner and scoffed at most of her selections and told her certain movies didn't qualify because they haven't been released on DVD yet? So what if she ended our date at my house early because I rented "Robocop," one of my favorite films of all time, and laughed obnoxiously during all of the most violent scenes and kept asking her to cuddle? If you can't cuddle when Boddicker shoots that asshole cokehead's kneecaps out and tells his prostitutes "Bitches leave," then you aint down with Misanthropic B, MUTHAFUCKA!! AHAHAHA!

I'm so sorry.

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