Friday, July 02, 2004's been so hard to deal with lately, especially because of the arrival of a new girl (entry level, right out of college) in the marketing department. She completely embodies everything I could have hated about girls in college. She's really bubbly, blonde, outgoing, and just flat out stupid. I'm not sure why she got hired...I guess she's got good people skills or something. And she's already gotten me in some serious trouble with upper management. I'm blaming it all on that bitch. I refuse to believe that I acted inappropriately. See, on Monday morning (she started last week) I was in the kitchen telling Dan about my plans for Independence day, and how I plan to celebrate my freedom by getting really drunk and lighting fireworks and blowing up all these dolls I've been collecting from thrift stores over the past month. And I was telling him "yo son, me and my crew's gonna get ILL this weekend! Ya heard? I's gonna blow the FUCK oughta these dolls dis weekend...shit, be all celebratin our fo'fathers and shit, muhfucka be all up in the fourth of joo-ly son!" and Dan's laughing his ass off and that's why I like him (he laughs at my jokes and stereotypical impersonations), and this new girl, let's call her "Candy" because she's so fucking blonde and stupid, that may as well be her name, she comes in to get some coffee and and she stops and looks at us and I'm wildly gesturing with my hands and yelling "yeeeahhh boyeee! blow them shits up TIGHT!" and instead of laughing (which she should have done) she kind shifts her eyes to the side of the room and says "ooookaayyyyyyy" really slowly, then backs out of the room. And then she giggled and went back to her desk. And she seemed to think that was really funny. Come on, like what I was doing was that outrageous. She's probably seen/done more outrageous stuff than maybe getting railed by three fratboys at once while being videotaped. I've seen shit like that on the internet. So later that day, I walk by her desk and she's talking to another girl in her department, and I obnoxiously insert myself into the conversation and then start snooping around her desk while they're talking. I'm looking at all these photos she's got framed on her desk and see one that's obviously her and her boyfriend (douchey-looking guy) and I say "THAT'S your boyfriend? Oh." And she stops talking to the other girl and looks at me with this insulted expression on her face (her mouth all wide open, stupid-looking) and I say "He looks...nice." And then I turn my attention to another one of her and her sorority sisters, who are kind of hot, but the picture still bothered me. Her and the other girl are still talking, and then I see a picture of her with her parents and her dad's kind of funny looking and his smile is really awkward, and I say (much louder than I should have, I admit), "Holy Shit! Your dad looks like a child molester! Hey Dan! You've gotta come see this, Candy's dad looks like a child molester in this picture! HAHA!"

Dan never came over. "Candy" cried, and I got in big trouble with both my manager and the big man. I'm now on probation for the next month so I really have to watch my behavior in the office. I gave Candy my best fake-sincere apology, and she seemed to accept it. However, she IS stupid, her boyfriend DOES look like a douchebag, and her father DOES look like he's a child molester.

My boss wants me to consider seeing a psychiatrist. It'll probably help me keep my job, so I guess I have to do it. But it's all for not. No one can fix me.

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